According to Bappenas, there are 63 million Millennials (20-35 years old). This equals to 24% of producAve age populaAons (14-64 years old), which is accounted to 179.1 million people in Indonesia. Indonesia StaAsAcs Bureau projected that Millennials is a majority group in Indonesia demographic structure.
The report groups Millennials into two categories:
- Junior millennials (born in 1991 – 1998)
- Senior millennials (born in 1983 – 1990)
The Millennials are predicted to be key players in Indonesia in the period of demographic bonus year 2025-2030.
79% Millennials open their smartphones 1 minute aker waking up.94.4% Millennials are connected to internet. They are also called internet-addicted generaAon or i-genera%on.
9.6% Junior Millennials & 5.2% Senior Millennialsspend more than 11 hours to use internet
“They are worried if they don’t have their smartphones with them”
Referens : IDN RESEARCH INSTITUTE – Indonesia Millennial Report 2019